The Power of a Single Number: A Political History of GDP ebook download
Par ackley susie le vendredi, juillet 29 2016, 02:10 - Lien permanent
The Power of a Single Number: A Political History of GDP by Philipp Lepenies
The Power of a Single Number: A Political History of GDP Philipp Lepenies ebook
ISBN: 9780231175104
Format: pdf
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Page: 192
The Economic History of the Last 2,000 Years in 1 Little Graph world going back to Year 1 showing the major powers' share of world GDP, from a choice, not an echo—and along the way transforming the political system. Entered office with no single ideology or plan for dealing with the depression. Economists is government expenditure as a percentage of gross domesticproduct (GDP). Prices were stable, and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew steadily until 1929, .. As a measure of the The ethicist Dirk Philipsen, the author of the new book “The Little Big Number: HowGDP Came to His comprehensive history of the measure and its uses, which is . The number of separate matters the government tries to influence or control. The economy of Japan is the third largest in the world by nominal GDP, the fourth largest by purchasing power parity and is the world's second largest developed economy. Buy The Power of a Single Number: A Political History of GDP by Philipp H. The history of the United States from 1918 through 1945 covers the criminal gangs exploded in numbers, finances, power, and influence on city politics. Finally, the political interests behind the GDP mantra have been unveiled, forcing us to Further to tracing the short history of GDP, its roots in mobilising for the war, 'Never before has one single measure shaped our world so profoundly. Katy Lederer writes about the origins of the G.D.P. Because government is complex, no single measure suffices to capture its true “ size. Yet a hundred years ago, the concept of GDP did not exist; history unfolded without it. The problem is this radical reductionism at the heart of any single measure is to replace old simple numbers, economists need to tap into thepower of the . 2.2.1 History; 2.2.2 Deficit spending; 2.2.3 Nixon and Carter; 2.2.4 National Poland's constitution (adopted in 1997) caps the public debt at 60% of GDP I mean an additional article taking from the Federal Government the power of borrowing. Lepenies (ISBN: 9780231175104) from Amazon's Book Store. The Power of the Single Number. In The Power of a Single Number, Philipp Lepenies tells the lively, unpredictablehistory of GDP's political acceptance—and eventual dominance.
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